Harmattan break

The breeze harsh and the air fierce, I’m on verge of breaking off like a dry wood. But all good, I still got breathe in me, air in my lungs and blood running down my veins. School is on hold for two weeks so majority of the students are away, scattered far and wide the country, nestling in the comfort of their parent’s apartments. This moment of harsh weather, this period of vacation of the Christian’s festive period, this time of hugging blankets and sweaters on and cradling a mug of tea, I’m alone with myself. Doing new things along sides old ones, meeting new feelings and putting aside stale ones, I feel the need to discover myself. A discovery I have always yearned for. A discovery I have always seen in the mist. A discovery I never reached out for. I am kicking away old feelings. Throwing aside my fears and tears and bracing up all the courage I have got and putting up a smile for the world…. you’d feel it soon bi ithnillah. I’d carry you all along in sha Allah. 🙂

Author: Nanabee

Salamu alaykum! I am Aisha Harun with the Nick: Nanabee; writing based on certain life occurences that centre on the deen (Islam) mostly, with humour alongside life lessons jutting around the lines that adore my words. Feel free to make suggestions to help me get better. Thanks! ❤

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